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Animals on the savannah

Opening hours

The park is closed.

We are opening for a new season on Saturday, March 29, 2025 at 10:00.

See the different opening hours for the areas below.

We look forward to seeing you!

Area opening hours

Opening hours march-june

All animal areas, Elefantstalden, Limpopoland,
the Museum of Evolution and Dinosaurskoven are open during the entire park's opening hours: 10:00 - 18:00.

If you stay overnight in one of our camps, you will have the opportunity to visit Elefantstalden, Ulvehytten, Limpopoland, the Museum of Evolution, and Dinosaurskoven after the park's regular closing hours.

Weekends march -June

All animal areas, Elefantstalden, Limpopoland,
the Museum of Evolution and Dinosaurskoven are open during the entire park's opening hours: 10:00 - 18:00.

If you stay overnight in one of our camps, you will have the opportunity to visit Elefantstalden, Ulvehytten, Limpopoland, the Museum of Evolution, and Dinosaurskoven after the park's regular closing hours.

Opening hours easter

All animal areas, Elefantstalden, Limpopoland,
the Museum of Evolution and Dinosaurskoven are open during the entire park's opening hours: 10:00 - 18:00.

If you stay overnight in one of our camps, you will have the opportunity to visit Elefantstalden, Ulvehytten, Limpopoland, the Museum of Evolution, and Dinosaurskoven after the park's regular closing hours.

Opening hours may - June

All animal areas, Elefantstalden, Limpopoland,
the Museum of Evolution and Dinosaurskoven are open during the entire park's opening hours: 10:00 - 17:00.

*Congo Splash and Kampala Express operate alternately.
See the exact opening hours at the attractions in Limpopoland.

If you stay overnight in one of our camps, you will have the opportunity to visit Elefantstalden, Ulvehytten, Limpopoland, the Museum of Evolution, and Dinosaurskoven after the park's regular closing hours.

Opening hours summer

All animal areas, Elefantstalden, Limpopoland,
the Museum of Evolution and Dinosaurskoven are open during the entire park's opening hours: 10:00 - 18:00.

If you stay overnight in one of our camps, you will have the opportunity to visit Elefantstalden, Ulvehytten, Limpopoland, the Museum of Evolution, and Dinosaurskoven after the park's regular closing hours.

Opening hours - august October

All animal areas, the Elephant Stable, Limpopo Land,
the Museum of Evolution and the Dinosaur Forest are open during the entire park's opening hours: 10:00 - 17:00.

If you stay overnight in one of our camps, you will have the opportunity to visit Elefantstalden, Ulvehytten, Limpopoland, the Museum of Evolution, and Dinosaurskoven after the park's regular closing hours.

Weekends august october

All animal areas, the Elephant Stable, Limpopo Land,
the Museum of Evolution and the Dinosaur Forest are open during the entire park's opening hours: 10:00 - 17:00.

If you stay overnight in one of our camps, you will have the opportunity to visit Elefantstalden, Ulvehytten, Limpopoland, the Museum of Evolution, and Dinosaurskoven after the park's regular closing hours.

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