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Sable antelope with calf

Sable antelope

Sables as a head ornament

  1. Tyrens horn kan blive op til 165 cm lange og er formet som den buede sabel – deraf kommer navnet sabelantilope.

  2. Our sable antelope herd is part of an international breeding collaboration, which means that you can continuously see calves of various sizes on Savannen.

  3. The bull uses the Flehmen response, just like horses do, where it tastes the cow's urine to determine if she is in estrus.

  4. Calves are born with a light sandy-colored fur, which helps them camouflage in the savanna grass, but the fur becomes darker and almost black as they grow.

  5. It is natural if you see a calf lying alone; the cow often leaves the calf to forage for food without having to watch over it.

Meet the sable antelopes on Savannen.

Do not get out of the car on Savannen.
Antelopes must not be fed.

See the antelopes on the Savannah

Did you know?

Open and wooded savannah areas in Southeast Africa

Up to 16 years

Females: 200-220 kg

Males: 220-250 kg

1.1 – 1.45 meters

8-9 months

1 calf

Not threatened

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