An elegant giant
The white rhinoceros is the world's third largest mammal, surpassed only by the Indian and African elephant.
Although the rhinoceros is large and heavy, when it picks up speed, it can run up to 50 km/h. When it's going full tilt, the rhinoceros almost looks completely elegant.
A rhinoceros can eat up to 60 kg of grass per day. That also means about 25 kg of feces per day. That's a lot to muck out in the winter.
Do not get out of the car on Savannen.
Enjoy a day full of unique experiences
Knuthenborg welcomes the whole family to a day filled with fun, educational, and inspiring animal experiences. Go exploring, get up close with amazing animals, and enjoy nature together.
Did you know?
Savannah and forest areas with grass clearings in Kenya, Uganda, Zambia, Botswana, South Africa, and Namibia
39-43 years
Females: up to 2000 kg
Males: up to 3000 kg
1.6-1.9 meters
15-17 months
1 calf every 2.5-3 years
At risk of becoming threatened
More time with the family?
Slow down and enjoy some extra time together when you stay at one of our many camps.